CASA Aloha Care Package Project
During this difficult time CASA Staff have come together to do a “Aloha Care Package” project for our CASA families. It will be an assortment of non-perishable goods and necessities our families would appreciate. If you would like to participate by donating please email Mazelle. NO used items please, donation must be brand new. This is all strictly voluntary.
- Drop off of item will be next week Thursday, May 14, 2020 from 1-4pm at the Kapolei courthouse. Please call our office at 954-8124 and Amphay will meet you. OR
- If you would like one of our staff to pick up donations from you, please let me (Mazelle) know so we can coordinate a pick-up date and time.
Our goal is to have all items ready and packed for delivery on Friday, May 15, 2020.
Thank you for your donation and support for our Keiki’s and families
Mazelle T. Rufo
CASA Program, JC II
The Judiciary, State of Hawaii
Family Court of the First Circuit
(808) 954-8124